9 reasons why you should upgrade your B2B ecommerce platform to OroCommerce

Discover why OroCommerce is a fantastic solution for enterprises looking to upgrade their B2B ecommerce platform!

Firstly, let’s go back to basics and understand exactly what B2B and ecommerce are, and how they work together. B2B, also known as Business to Business, is the function of products or services purposely sold for business use.

A marketing agency is a great example of B2B, it is a business that sells services (and sometimes goods) to help other businesses.

Ecommerce is the function of selling said products or services online through a sales portal or function without the need of going into a shop or a salesperson. An example of B2B ecommerce can be manufactured products for your engineering company, or office supplies for your business.

So how does OroCommerce help? This purpose-built B2B ecommerce program has the flexibility to be the platform you didn’t even know you wanted it to be. Why, you ask? Well let’s go through the reasons why it outperforms it’s competition.

Multiple Organisations, Websites and Stores

If you’re looking for a platform that can be customised to fit to your business, no matter how complex the structure is, OroCommerce is for you. Whether you have many departments, groups and people in your organisation and wherever they are in the world, this platform can operate to suit everyone’s needs. Sellers can customize customer-facing workflows such as the order process, checkout and basket areas, improving the customer relationship with your brand, as well as back-end processes, like sales follow-ups or order fulfilment logistics.

Multiple Shopping Lists

Not only are the workflows customisable, you can create multiple shopping lists depending on the type of customer. This enables buyers to purchase previously saved products and work on numerous projects all under one platform. It’s that simple!

User Permissions

You might be wondering who has access to the system? The simple answer = Anyone your business wants and needs. With the ability to customer exclusive roles for not only your internal employees, but your customers too, you can provide the correct access and information required for each specific role.

Pricing Structures

Do you have complex pricing structures, no “one size fits all” strategy and it may be difficult to present this on paper without a salesperson? Not anymore! With OroCommerce, you can produce and manage price lists for every type of customer in your portfolio, including their pricing structures. This includes unlimited number of price points, pricing tiers and international currencies. It’s also super easy to manage and update if required.

Catalogue Management

If your business sells some products to one company but not to another and you want to be able to manage that with ease, OroCommerce allows you to do that. Product catalogues can be tailored for individual buyers as well as specific companies all in the same system.

Native CMS

Markers and Merchandise Managers have the capability to update and manage product information and digital media for online buyers. The native CMS embedded in the back-end makes updating existing or uploading new content quick and easy.

Custom Reports

Reporting on successes and fails of your business is a must, we know that. With OroCommerce, you can customise reports to understand customer purchasing patterns for successful marketing campaigns. This means you can gain actionable insights from your data through many of the advanced segmentation capabilities.


ORO Inc. is aware that a CRM is a necessity in the sales and marketing departments of businesses, so created OROCRM that is sold as a separate product.

When they designed and developed OroCommerce, they realised that, if the OroCommerce platform was going to be a one-stop-shop for the B2B ecommerce world, then a CRM needs to be embedded in the customisable programme. So it was. This means investing in OroCommerce, you’re actually getting 2 separate quality products for the price of one. It’s a no brainer.

How can we help?

Generate UK has successfully implemented and supported ecommerce projects for clients for over 12 years. As a full-marketing agency, we can create the strategy, design and development for your next B2B Ecommerce move, whatever platform you decide.

Get in touch to learn more about OroCommerce, Book a free demo with us or contact us at info@generateuk.co.uk.